Browse 43 new and used Aircraft for Sale in Illinois listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Aircraft for Sale in Illinois near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

6900 Hrs. TT, 4000 Landings, L5 Wi-Fi, Airshow 4000, Engines on MSP Gold, APU on MSP, Professionally Managed and Located in the Midwest, Dual HF and L3 FDR, No Damage, Ready to Fly Now! Airframe: Total Time: 6,890 Total Landings: 4,080 Engines: Hon...
Cirrus SR20-G2
Engines Loc. Make Model Serial# SMOH C Continental IO-360-ES16B 360195 1000 200 HP @ 2,700RPM, SMOH (2010)Props Loc. ...
2003 Cirrus SR22 G1
AirframeTTSN (Hobbs) Engines Loc. Make Model TSOH C Continental IO-550-N 1945 310HP, TSOH (Hobbs)Props Loc. Make ...
Nice looking Diamond DA42 with Lycoming engines and Garmin G1000 avionics. Airframe: Total Time: 5,320 Engines: LYCOMING IO-360-M1A Time: 866/866 TBO: 2000/2000 Props: MT Time: 368/368
Beech Bonanza A36
Engines Make Model Continental IO-550-B 300 HP @ 2,700 RPM, 25 Hours since RAM Remanufactured EngineProps Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN ...
2006 Bombardier Challenger 300
Airframe Landings: 4,080 Engines Engine Program: On MSP Gold, $594.54/Hr/Eng Loc. Make Model TSN CSN L Honeywell HFT-7000 6761 3991 ...
1979 Piper Navajo Chieftain Panther III conversion - 12920 total time, 1350 and 380 SMOH, Garmin 530W GPS/Comm, King KFC200 Autopilot/Flight Director, Uavionix ADSB out, Deiced, $279,000.
1965 Piper Cherokee Six w 6220 hours total time, 55 hours SMOH, Garmin 530W 430W 345 transponder G5 HSI Century IIB autopilot. Midwest based. $169,000.
1959 CESSNA 310C
Ready to fly 1959 Cessna 310C. Comes with spare engine, overhauled but needs assembly. $99,000. Airframe: Total Time: 5,750 No damage history Complete logs No corrosion Located at 1V6 April annual No side brace kit but no cracks either Rebuilt sp...
Cirrus SR20-G2