Browse 217 new and used Aircraft for Sale in Texas listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Aircraft for Sale in Texas near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

Ready to own a sleek IFR platform with a TAS of 155 kts? With recent avionics improvements, this M20E has dual Garmin GI-275s, a GNC 355, and a JPI EDM-830. The engine (approx. 875 SMOH) is equipped with the cost-saving SureFly EIS. All logbooks an...
2019 Vans RV-6
Airframe: TTAF: 339 Engines: Lycoming 0-320-160hp Time: 407 Props: Sensenich Ground Adjustable Prop
2016 Vans RV-4
Vans RV-4 170 tt airframe $87,750; Superior XP 360 B1A2 1060 tt, 170 Since IRAN; Caddo 3-blade propeller Vetterman exhaust; Anti-Splat Oil Cooler shudder; Red Cube fuel flow; GRT EIS-4000; GRT Sport EFIS; Icom 200 Comm; Stratus transponder with ADSB...
Mooney 231 Rocket
Airframe: TTAF: 3600 Engines: SMOH: 875 STOH: 13 Props: STOH: 875
Cirrus SR20 "Generation 6"
AirframeTTSN (Flight) Engines Loc. Make Model TSN C Lycoming IO-390-C3B6 575 TTSN (Flight), 215 HP, TBO at 2,200 Hours (Flight)Props ...
Cessna T182T
Tel: (254) 716-2981 27532 W. Hwy 84McGregor, TX 76657All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice AirframeHobbs Time Engines ...
1962 Beech P-35 Bonanza
Airframe: TTAF: 6000 Engines: TTSN: 1250 Props: SOH: 200
1 U.S. Corporate Owner Since New Engines Enrolled on ESP-Gold Factory Warranty until June 10, 2025 GoGo ATG-5000 Domestic Wi-Fi Raisebeck Wing Lockers Airframe: Total Time: 838.1 Landings: 767 Engines: PRATT & WHITNEY PT6A-60A Time: 838/838 TB...
2019 Vans RV-6
Taylorcraft F22A
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Cessna T182T
1962 Beech P-35 Bonanza
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