Aircraft Details
- Year: 2019
- Make/Model: Flight Design CTLSi GT600
- Registration Number: D-MKTW
- Power: Piston
- Engines: 1 Engine
- Listing ID: 4218715
- Partner ID: 58047
- Posted On: Dec 28, 2023
- Updated On: Mar 16, 2024
Flight Design CTLSi GT-600 Grand Touring.
It was love at first sight about 4 1/2 years ago - my still young CTLSi and me as a senior. We were a really good team for 50 hours. Unfortunately always something came up that we could not fly more. That's why I would like to see whether I can find a new lover for my CTLSi. Here she is:
CTLSi GT 600 Grand Touring - Rotax 912iS
Parachute for MTOW 600kg
Premium Comfort Paket
Night Flight Package
Large LED Landing Light
Constant Speed Var. Pitch Propeller
Leather seats brown with lumbar support
Battery Lithium-iron-Phosphate Tech
Kannad AF406 ELT 406 Mhz
Traffic Monitoring System AT-1
Analog Backup Instruments
Dual 10 Dynon SkyView instead of 7
Dual 10 HDX Premium - instead of 7
Auto Pilot
Level Botton
Knob Panel - Alt, Hdg, Baro
Double USB Charger
Tablet + Mediapad mount
Airplane time state:
Rotax 912iS Injected 100 hp
Total TT 50h
Next annual inspection: 12.2024
Rotax 912 iS UL (100 hp), 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, horizontally-opposed spark ignition engine with electronic fuel injection; TBO 2.000 hrs; installed ready-to-fly.
Air induction by NACA Inlet in cowling with integrated filter box and tubing to airbox on top of engine.
Advanced 3-blade constant Speed Variable Pitch Propeller, spinner included.
Installed to medium instrument console 4 panels, providing the following instrumentation and functionality:
Dynon Double Display SkyView
Dynon ADAHRS (Air Data Attitude Heading Reference
System) and ADHARS back up
Dynon SV-SYNVIS-280 Synthetic Vision
Double pitot system / AoA probe, connected to ADAHRS
Ability to use PocketFMS - AeroData Navigation and Obstacle Database, available by subscription - not included.
Independent sensor and GPS units supporting all functions, installed at optimal locations.
Full digital EMS (Engine Monitoring System) functionality.
Wi-Fi function for transferring data from popular flight planning apps.
Dynon Skyview COM Radio SV-COM-X83 (8.33 kHz channel spacing) with control panel.
Push-to-Talk buttons on each control stick.
Dynon SV-XPNDR 261 Mode S Transponder.
Altitude Encoding provided by Dynon SkyView.
Dynon Two-Place Stereo Intercom SV-INTERCOM-2S.
Enhanced durable urethane exterior paint in white
Additional Features
Aluminium trim plates on rudder and aileron, electric trim
on stabilator.
Lightweight high-output Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Battery
12V / 10Ah.
Fuel system with two redundant electric fuel pumps, tank backflow line and fuel tank selector valve.
Wheel pants and landing gear fairings on main wheels, combined wheelpant and leg fairing on nose wheel.
Extended Fuel Tank 2x 65 Liters
Thermostat Package (measures the water and oil temperature of the engine and controls).
Advanced Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Technology (10Ah)
Premium Comfort Package CTLS GT (Grand Touring).
3 Blade Constant Speed Variable Pitch Propeller (912iS only).
Light Brown Leather "Pegaso" - Sport Seat and Interior.
Color option.
Parachute Rescue system, suitable for MTOW 600 kg.
Upgrade - Dual Dynon SkyView Touch 10" - Dual 7" to Dual 10" Touch Displays.
Upgrade - Dual 10" Skyview Displays in HDX Premium Version.
Kannad AF 406 Compact ELT 406 MHz with remote control Traffic Monitoring Function.
Analog Backup Instrumentation.
Dynon Autopilot.
Dynon "Level Button" (included in HDX firmware).
First owner.
Always kept in hangar.
For more info please call me or e-mail me via the contact seller link below.